Saturday, April 27, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

Chalk Portrait WIN

Submitted by:
Unknown (via Colossal)

Tagged: Street Art, art, design, portrait, chalkShare on Facebook

This Cake Has a Hidden Surprise!

Submitted by:
Unknown (via Neatorama)

Tagged: cake, spider man, design, dessert, foodShare on Facebook

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This Cub is Squee... But Not So Graceful

Sure being majestic is nice, but being both cute and clumsy is precious.

No rolly-polly tiger cubs were hurt in the making of this gif.

-Sally Squeeps

Squee! Spotter:
Unknown (via Kosen13)

Tagged: gif, falling, tigers, cubs, squee, clumsy

Whatsit: Dragon!?!

ERMAHGERD SQUEEPS! It's a dragon! ...Or is it? We need to get to the bottom of this mystery to determine if the legends are true.

-Sally Squeeps

Squee! Spotter:
Unknown (via Blankpat)

Tagged: dragon, whatsit, wings, lizard, squee

Saturday, April 20, 2013

We Found Him!

Submitted by:
Unknown (via Bits and Pieces)

Tagged: cars, finding nemo, paint jobShare on Facebook

Is This His Secret Hideout?

Submitted by:

Tagged: sign, road, Adam WestShare on Facebook

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Brick Mug WIN

Submitted by:
Unknown (via Think Geek)

Tagged: lego, design, nerdgasm, mugShare on Facebook

Transferring Boards WIN

Submitted by:

Tagged: skateboarding, gif, sports, BAMFShare on Facebook

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Always Blame the Cat

LoL by:

Tagged: snow, labradors, locked ou, winter, locked out, hottub

Fliratious Dogs

LoL by:

Tagged: dogs, flirting, tail, what breed

Thursday, April 11, 2013

"Shh... She's Sleeping"

I can has MOAR funny LOLcats?

Submitted by:

Tagged: Babies, Cats, sleeping

Now Who Looks Foolish?

Trolling is a art.

Submitted by:
Unknown (via STFU Parents)

Tagged: pregnancy, facebook, pregnancy tests, pranks

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Getting to the Point WIN

Submitted by:

Tagged: present, card, moneyShare on Facebook

The Most Useful Tea Mug Ever

Submitted by:
Unknown (via Yanko Design)

Tagged: clever, tea, useful, mugShare on Facebook

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Time For Inappropriate Drawings!

Submitted by:
Unknown (via Reddit)

Tagged: frivolous, ideas, whiteboardShare on Facebook

This Collection of Lines is Actually The Most Complicated Maze You've Seen

Japanese Twitter user Kya7y created this maze over the course of seven years. Check out more pictures in the via link below!

Submitted by:
Unknown (via Laughing Squid)

Tagged: art, design, mazeShare on Facebook

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Squee Spree: Splish-Splash

Nobody knows how to make splashing look squeer than orca whales!

-Sally Squeeps

Squee! Spotter:
Unknown (via Rolph Hicker)

Tagged: splash, orca whale, squee spree, squee

Ay Girl. You Like Eucalyptus?

This koala is so ridiculously charming it's enough to make us squee our heads off!

-Sally Squeeps

Gif your butt (!) over to Animal Gifs for MOAR cyoot and funneh on loop!

Submitted by:

Tagged: gif, eat, flirt, koala, wink, food, squee

Monday, April 1, 2013

Reader Squee: Maple!

Our Submitter says: "This is Maple. She is a Steven's Pass avalanche puppy in training and the most adorable thing ever!"

I can say without a doubt, Maple is the squeest avalanche puppy I have ever seen!

-Sally Squeeps

Do you have a squee pet that you want to share with the world? Send us your pet pictures and stories, and they could end up on Daily Squee!

Squee! Spotter:

Tagged: dogs, reader squee, snow, squee, rescue

Somebody Needs a Haircut

Just because you can't see us Mr. Steer, doesn't mean we can't see you. And it looks like somebody (not pointing any fingers) is long overdue for a trim...

-Sally Squeeps

Squee! Spotter:
Unknown (via Mtb1975 ( Chesterfield))

Tagged: long hair, hair cut, squee, cows